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RF Fractional MicroNeedle

Fractional Micro Needling or Collagen Induction Therapy is a very safe and effective alternative to injectables and invasive lasers used today.  The results are long term and the recovery time is minimal.  Fractional Micro Needling is a cost effective, non-invasive, non-injectable skin rejuvenation treatment that targets a diverse range of skin concerns.


A new wave of devices have addressed the limitations of older ‘traditional’ RF treatments and heats deeper tissues to a much higher temperature.  Using insulated microneedles, RF energy is now able bypass the sensitive surface of the skin delivered to precise depths in the dermis. The deeper, fractional heating is able to be much higher than if placed on the skin surface. This allows temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees Celsius, the optimal temperature range to denature collagen and cause coagulation. Maximum collagen stimulation and tissue contraction can now be safely achieved.

Fractional RF – The concept of treating skin fractionally has been the desired treatment method of most devices for over a decade.  Because damage is caused only to a fraction of your tissue like a matrix, the surrounding healthy cells help you heal faster with much less downtime and risk of complications.  This concept originated with fractional laser resurfacing, having shown for over ten years that results are fairly similar to treating the entire area, but with faster healing, less discomfort and much less risk.

Micro needling – The invisible micro-channels in the skin created by an array of needles remain open for four to six hours allowing deep penetration of key nutrients and serums applied during the treatment. This would include growth factors, vitamins, antioxidants and other cosmeceuticals delivered to the skin in a way that no other treatment can, helping to rapidly rebuild new collagen and elastin. Going so deep into the skin allows for improvement in areas which had been poorly addressed in the past with RF devices including acne, scars and stretch marks.

Here are the key benefits of Fractional MicroNeedle RF

  • Reaches optimal temperature range of 65 to 80 degrees Celsius, creating tens of thousands of coagulation zones, resulting in maximum collagen and elastin remodeling for skin tightening and rejuvenation

  • Energy is delivered at precise temperature to precise depths in the dermis, allowing for crucial damage at multiple depths

  • Heat energy bypasses the superficial layer of skin, resulting in significantly less discomfort, downtime and risk of complications, allowing for all skin types, including darker skin to be safely treated

  • Fractional penetration with microneedles and subsequent infusion of serums stimulate fibroblasts to produce collagen and improve skin texture, tone, fine lines and wrinkles

  1. Active acne, especially inflammatory lesions

  2. Active herpes labialis or other localized infection in the treatment area, including warts.

  3. Moderate-to-severe chronic skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis

  4. Patients with extreme keloidal tendencies

  5. Immunosuppressed patients, including patients on chemotherapy

  6. Care should also be taken in patients near concomitant chemodenervation (botulinum toxin) injection sites to avoid unwanted toxin diffusion

Contraindications of RF

Fractional MicroNeedling

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Full Face $175

Neck $145

Chest $175

Face, Neck, Chest $225

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